Sunrise from Presque Isle, Marquette, MI

Sunrise No. 165 of 1,600+

  • Sunrise time: 5:56
  • Azimuth: 54°
  • Did the sun rise: Yes
  • Was the sun visible: Yes


  • Felt like: 56 ºF
  • Air Temp: 56 ºF
  • Humidity: 45%
  • Wind: 9 mph
  • Wind gust: 16 mph


  • 17mm
  • f/13.0
  • 1/80 sec
  • 400


Presque Isle, Marquette, MI

3.1 mile commute

📍 46° 35' 14" N, -87° 22' 40" W

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Musings [382 words]

It took only a couple weeks for the sunrise to become routine and part of my day, but it has taken five months for me to become a morning person. Now, it is my most cherished part of the day. Nobody is calling. My clarity and creativity are at their peak, and it’s become an incredibly productive time of day. Granted, prioritizing what has to get done is not any easier, but it’s much easier to follow the motivation and focus on whatever I want to create at that particular time.

At latest, June has been a month of 5:15AM alarms. Where most of this year I was waiting for my backup alarm to go off, now I’m usually out of bed before the second goes off, sometimes I’m out the front door before the second alarm goes off. The time between waking up and setting foot out the door has increasingly gotten smaller in the last five months.

There is a routine I have started to find love for. Out the door by 5:15, chasing the sunrise until 6:30 or 7:00, followed by a trip to one of three of my regular coffee shops (the all know me by name now). It’s there, on most mornings, I begin an epic 3-4 hour work session, usually until the tiredness seeks in, as I’ve still been staying up late. Going to bed any earlier has been especially hard considering how light it is outside at 10:30PM in the Upper Peninsula. So even if I get 5-6 hours of sleep, I’m ready to go. After the morning work session I take a two hour nap before lunch, from there I have enough energy to go for the rest of the day and feel amazing. It’s a schedule that wouldn’t have worked in any of my previous career related jobs, but it seems to be a schedule that works beautifully. I’ve long enjoyed late nights and early mornings, but rarely had the flexibility to find a way to make it happen consistently to a point where I could adjust.

One week from now is summer solstice, and if I choose, I can start sleeping in a few minutes each day for the rest of the year. I’m curious if the morning routine will actually persist.


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