Clark Lambros Park is a favorite sunrise stop and one of Marquette’s most underrated sunrise destinations. You’ll find me there often.
To date, of 1,508 published sunrises, 4.9% of all sunrises have been experienced from Clark Lambros.
Of 1,508 published sunrises, 74 have been from Clark Lambros Park, representing 4.9% of the project.
📍 46° 34' 28" N, -87° 23' 33" W
Today's sunrise
Today's sunset
Earliest sunrise
5:55 a.m. on June 15
Latest sunrise
8:33 a.m. on January 1
Shortest day
Wednesday, December 10
8 hrs 39 mins and 7 secs
Longest day
Thursday, June 26
15 hrs 48 mins and 57 secs