Seriously, how did we get here? How did I get here? There becomes a point in any project, any passion, any hobby, where you cross a line where it becomes too far, where too much of a good thing becomes something else. The weight of this question has entered the chat.

As of now, this is a placeholder, as I’m half way through a 6th consecutive year of watching every* sunrise.

It took that level of commitment for me to live out a dream, a multi-state road trip to very different and very new sunrise locations as a celebration of Sunrise 2,000.

Also, we will soon be talking about Delilah.

More from 2024 to come.

Sunrise publishing schedule
I am now publishing sunrises faster than ever, this is great news. With 2019 and 2020 fully published, the plan is to jump around between 2021 and 2023, with a focus on completing 2021. Looking for a specific date? Make a small contribution and I’ll publish the date of your request.


Coldest Sunrise
Avg. temp
Hottest Sunrise

The sun was visible for 68% of 31 sunrises in 2024.