Sunrise from McCarty's Cove, Marquette, MI

Sunrise No. 919 of 2,000+

  • Sunrise time: 6:04
  • Azimuth: 55°
  • Did the sun rise: Yes
  • Was the sun visible: Just so


  • Felt like: 55 ºF
  • Air Temp: 55 ºF
  • Humidity: 74%
  • Wind gust: 3 mph


  • 17mm
  • f/6.3
  • 1/80 sec
  • 100


McCarty's Cove, Marquette, MI

0.2 mile commute

📍 46° 33' 4" N, -87° 22' 55" W

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For today’s sake, I’ll choose the photo that offers a little more variety, a nearby vantage point that I rarely shoot from. However, this selection gives me just a tiny bit of unease, as it feels so “safe,” and I don’t always like choosing the safe photo.

I love this photo so much, especially because it’s a little out of focus. I don’t believe that every photo has to be crisp and perfect. Dealing with waves and trying to keep camera gear dry is not a perfect experience. But it is the experience. However, I probably have plenty of close up wave shots photographed.