Sunrise No. 771 of 2,000+
- Sunrise time: 8:02
- Azimuth: 110° ⇡
- Did the sun rise: Yes
- Was the sun visible: Mmhmm
- Felt like: -22 ºF
- Air Temp: -7 ºF
- Humidity: 53%
- Wind: 8 mph ⇡
- Wind gust: 15 mph
- 85mm
- f/5.0
- 1/500 sec
- 200
Sugarloaf Mountain, Marquette, MI
4.9 mile commute
📍 46° 36' 16" N, -87° 27' 17" W
Musings [118 words]
I remember taking this selfie and thinking, “I don’t have time for this, I need to get to the water.”
Sea smoke, or lake smoke as it should be called, is one of my favorite sunrise views. And to enjoy it with a visible sun is a little more rare. This is the first time seeing it from above, and what a magical view it was.
I enjoyed what I could from atop Sugarloaf, but I also had an uncontrollable urge to get to the water’s edge as quickly as possible to see it from a more intimate vantage point.
It did not disappoint.
In hindsight, little did I know what was about to come the following day…