Sunrise No. 519 • Print Information

Prints are currently available in three sizes. Two traditional photo prints are available, measuring 18"h x 24"w and 11"h x 14"w. These prints have a calendar on the bottom where the year, date, and time of sunrise are marked.
Additionally, there is a 5x7" card available for each sunrise, which has all relevant sunrise information hand-written on back. These popular cards are on display in my Sunrise Gallery at U.P. Supply Co.
Each print and card is signed and dated by yours truly with the relative sizes shown above.
Purchase Sunrise No. map[int:519 number:519 text:519] below or return to sunrise details. Currently, the best way to find the print you want is to browse by year or month.
Pricing & Estimated Turn Around Times:
- Size Price
- Turn Around
- 5x7 card
- 1-3 weeks
- 11x14 print
- 3-4 weeks
- First edition
- 3-4 weeks
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While still out there capturing sunrise each morning, I'm asking for patience in print delivery. Ideally, the turn around time will be faster, but I'm giving myself a buffer while I tackle the scope and scale of this project as it grows. I'll give it my best to get things out on schedule.In the framed mockup below, the size is slightly scaled up to show additional detail.