Sunrise from Shiras Park, Marquette, MI

Sunrise No. 282 of 2,000+

  • Sunrise time: 7:58
  • Azimuth: 98°
  • Did the sun rise: Yes
  • Was the sun visible: Yes


  • Felt like: 46 ºF
  • Air Temp: 48 ºF
  • Humidity: 84%
  • Wind: 6 mph
  • Wind gust: 10 mph


  • 85mm
  • f/16.0
  • 1/80 sec
  • 200


Shiras Park, Marquette, MI

1.0 mile commute

📍 46° 33' 15" N, -87° 22' 57" W

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Musings [70 words]

The moment stays with you. As the day goes on, as you find stress during the day, you can reflect back and remember the sunrise you just saw. And I can now do that every single day. It’s remarkable.

… i can feel my patience and calmness with people increasing, my ability to talk to people, and i credit that to the shop, talking with people each day (Ron, etc)