Sunrise No. 279 of 2,000+
- Sunrise time: 7:54
- Azimuth: 97° ⇡
- Did the sun rise: Yes
- Was the sun visible: Yes
- Felt like: 46 ºF
- Air Temp: 49 ºF
- Humidity: 68%
- Wind: 7 mph ⇡
- Wind gust: 11 mph
- 35mm
- f/22.0
- 1/13 sec
- 400
NOAA Station MCGM4, Marquette, MI
0.9 mile commute
📍 46° 32' 44" N, -87° 22' 42" W
Musings [384 words]
As sent to Beatrice
This morning I forgot my phone. So all you get is lousy words.
I stepped outside and knew the sunrise had potential. I turned left onto 4th street and then right onto Ridge. There were some interesting orange colors in the sky and as I got next to the water I could see a freighter in the distance. These massive old boats always draw my attention. So I went to it, via the breakwall, which was the closest I could get. I decided to move before the sun broke over a small cloud bank, and I found myself on the south side of the Marquette lighthouse on the rocky beach. There was a glistening rock from the waves and I figured this was my spot to wait it out. It was glorious, really. But the photo would be a generic photo, something you’d see in tourism brochure. Not that I mind those photos at all. But it’s not like the gloomy photos as of late, and I just wish those photos would make it into a tourism brochure as well. Why do we only market sunshine? There can be such beauty in gloomy days.
Also, another photographer asked me, “Did you get anything good?” I really don’t like this question. You’re here too mister, you see what I’m seeing. I guess I’m not concerned about one photo being good, or bad. I’m thinking about the series, all 365 of them, and how representative they are. I’d rather be asked, “Are you enjoying your morning?” Because that answer is a resounding “Yes!” As for a good photo, that’s up to the travel brochures to determine.
Also, for the first time ever on this project my camera battery died (that’s not the first time ever part) and I ran to my car to get my extra battery (that’s the first time part) which I used for the first time.
It was busy out this morning. The sunrise is quite late. I believe I counted 5 or 6 other cars in the parking lot. I probably saw a dozen people or more. This was never the case for the first six or seven months.
Maybe, when all of this is said and done, I’ll get to publish a photo in a travel brochure.
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