Sunrise No. 311 of 2,000+
- Sunrise time: 7:12
- Azimuth: 111° ⇡
- Did the sun rise: Yes
- Was the sun visible: No
- Felt like: 22 ºF
- Air Temp: 30 ºF
- Humidity: 82%
- Wind: 10 mph ⇡
- 8mm
- 6 sec
- 50
Monument to Joe Louis, Detroit, MI
362 mile commute
📍 42° 19' 43" N, -83° 2' 40" W
Musings [223 words]
I woke up in Royal Oak. Out the door at 6:15AM to head to the heart of downtown Detroit.
Insspiration runs high. Though cities sometimes frustrate me, they’re so easy to fall in love with. For all the things that annoy me, there are way more things I fall for. The diversity and activity
Yesterday I was at TEDxDetroit. What was it, the 11th one? I was at the first in 2009, and damn, has that production grown. It was all the things I’ve been missing in the Upper Peninsula. It was all the things I needed and I’m trying to fasten that inspiration into some sort of motivation and focus.
In many ways, it was easier being the ambassador of the Upper Pneinsula when living in Lansing. Afterall, that’s what an ambassador is supposed to do. An ambassador doesn’t live in the place they repreesnt. UP there I’m speaking to the choir.
Anytime I’m in Detroit, it’s a constant questsion… how do I bridge the cultural divide between the Upper Peninsula and Detroit. As a percentage, I’ve always wondered, how many people from the Upper Peninsula have spent time in Detroit? How many Detroiters have spent time in the Upper Peninsula? Now, let’s rule out trips that were only Pictured Rocks kayaking or a Detroit Red Wings game.
Anyhow, words, words, words…
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