Sunrise from Founders Landing Boardwalk, Marquette, MI

Sunrise No. 333 of 2,000+

  • Sunrise time: 8:10
  • Azimuth: 121°
  • Did the sun rise: Yes
  • Was the sun visible: Nopevember


  • Felt like: 28 ºF
  • Air Temp: 28 ºF
  • Humidity: 91%
  • Wind: 2 mph
  • Wind gust: 5 mph


  • 17mm
  • f/4.5
  • 1/50 sec
  • 800


Founders Landing Boardwalk, Marquette, MI

0.5 mile commute

📍 46° 32' 24" N, -87° 23' 28" W

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Musings [330 words]

The early phases of this project were about getting back to a comfortable place with the time I have alone to myself. The goal wasn’t to spend more time alone, just a return to comfort.

After two, three, four months into this project I could feel I was making progress in that regard. Now eleven months in I can’t really feel it. That’s not to say it’s easy all the time. In fact, it is this time of year which is the biggest test.

I struggle with the period between Thanksgiving to Christmas. Social expectations that I don’t feel comfortable with, traditions that don’t speak to me, and seemingly forever alone during this time which is focused on family and couples.

I spent yesterday alone. Though there were four people I encountered. I saw Cameron at sunrise and wished a Happy Thanksgiving, that felt fine. On my walk back another gentleman wished me a Happy Thanksgiving while walking by, that felt much more uncomfortable. Eventually, while spending the afternoon at the shop, I said hello to my landlord who wished me a “Happy Turkey Day” as she walked by while editing photos. My plan was to go to Aubrees for pizza, but they had closed by the time I left the shop. So I stopped at the Krist gas station for a frozen pizza for dinner. It was a strictly transactional exchange with the cashier.

Yesterday was difficult, and I has a few options of places to go, but mostly scenarios I’ve been in before, and all scenarios where I’m the third wheel amongst couples and families, which seems to be no different than most of my Thanksgiving and Christmas days for the last fifteen years or so. And that’s the other part of this year, I decided I was going to stop agreeing to be in situations that just make me feel uncfomrotable and lonely.

Almost a year into this, we’ll see how all the other holdiay expecations go.


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