Sunrise No. 331 of 2,000+
- Sunrise time: 8:07
- Azimuth: 121° ⇡
- Did the sun rise: Yes
- Was the sun visible: No no and no
- Felt like: 19 ºF
- Air Temp: 33 ºF
- Humidity: 97%
- Wind: 26 mph ⇡
- Wind gust: 36 mph
- 35mm
- f/2.8
- 1/100 sec
- 1250
Black Rocks, Marquette, MI
3.4 mile commute
📍 46° 35' 33" N, -87° 22' 50" W
Musings [290 words]
At every Michigan State home football game, whether sunny or rainy or hot or freezing, the public address announcer always starts the game by proclaiming, “It’s a beautiful day for football!”
We live in an age where everyone gets offended so easily. Truthfully, I’m no different. I find myself offended when I hear people say it’s “nasty” outside during a snowstorm, or that it is somehow “bad weather.” Inconvenient weather, I’ll give you that. But beautiful, awesome, powerful, good, adrenaline pumping weather, yes!
The only “bad” snowstorm is the one that never comes.
It can be a classic 72º sunny sunrise morning at Presque and I won’t be inspired to walk around the almost island. But give me a day with rain and snow blowing sideways and epic waves, now it’s time for a walk!
We live in an age where everyone gets offended so easily. Truthfully, I’m no different. I find myself offended when people say it’s “nasty” or “gross” outside on a day like today. And I’m especially offended when some listicle is written about the “worst places to live in winter”. For the record, this is one oft he best places to live for winter, not the worst. The worst place to live for winter would be Hawai’i. Slow those words down. Live. For. Winter.
Well, I’m drenched. I might as well have dunked my jeans in ice cold water before putting them on and walking out the door this morning. I’ll order rain pants as soon as this sells.
It can be a sunny 74º sunrise morning at Presque and I won’t be inspired to walk around. But when the gales of November come with rain and snow blowing sideways it’s a no brainer.
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