Sunrise No. 66 of 2,000+
- Sunrise time: 7:18
- Azimuth: 97° ⇡
- Did the sun rise: Yes
- Was the sun visible: Sort of
- Felt like: -1 ºF
- Air Temp: 8 ºF
- Humidity: 61%
- Wind: 5 mph ⇡
- Wind gust: 9 mph
- 85mm
- f/8.0
- 1/160 sec
- 320
McCarty's Cove, Marquette, MI
1.0 mile commute
📍 46° 32' 50" N, -87° 22' 40" W
Musings [71 words]
I missed it. More so, I was just in the wrong place where I didn’t have a view of the glowing sky that I wanted. So I ran through the snow, then I hit a deep spot and summersaulted into a deep patch of snow. But you better believe I held Delilah high in the air and she didn’t get drop of snow on her.
I suppose that’s all for now.