Sunrise from Little Presque Isle, Marquette, MI

Sunrise No. 71 of 2,000+

  • Sunrise time: 8:08
  • Azimuth: 94°
  • Did the sun rise: Yes
  • Was the sun visible: Gloriously


  • Felt like: 8 ºF
  • Air Temp: 8 ºF
  • Humidity: 76%
  • Wind: 3 mph
  • Wind gust: 3 mph


  • 33mm
  • f/2.8
  • 1/200 sec
  • 640


Little Presque Isle, Marquette, MI

7.0 mile commute

📍 46° 38' 7" N, -87° 27' 45" W

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Musings [250 words]

Last night I was heading to rehearsal for TEDxNMU, a friend texted me, “be the stone”, as she knew I was nervous and felt underprepared.

I smiled intensely, and even chuckled to myself, as it couldn’t have been a more spot on message. I typed out, “Oh my god, I love you so much!”

And then I deleted it to say something much less interesting.

Why do we stop ourselves from saying “I love you”?

No two stones are alike. No two waves are alike. No two sunrises are alike, except in places like Hawai’i.

Last night as I was walking into dress rehearsal for TEDxNMU I got a text from my good pal Dylan asking me to photography his engagement in the morning. Little did he know I was just about to sit down next to his soon-to-be fiance who is also preparing a TEDx talk. So there I was, sitting next to her, coordinating an awesome plan while having to keep a poker face about an incredible moment.

What I love about putting a new project into the world, is that you never know what will come of it. Being asked to show up at a location for sunrise to photograph an engagement was not something I ever thought would happen. Afterall, I never take photos with people in them.

As it pertains to Dyland and Olivia, they each put a lot of new projects into the world and I can’t wait to see what they do together.


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