Sunrise No. 205 of 2,000+
- Sunrise time: 6:20
- Azimuth: 59° ⇡
- Did the sun rise: Yes
- Was the sun visible: Yup
- Felt like: 65 ºF
- Air Temp: 65 ºF
- Humidity: 62%
- Wind: 1 mph ⇡
- Wind gust: 2 mph
- 200mm
- f/5.6
- 1/160 sec
- 200
Pebble Beach, Marquette, MI
1.3 mile commute
📍 46° 33' 42" N, -87° 23' 19" W
Musings [48 words]
I only learned this earlier this year, but apparently “Bae” stands for before all else.
I shall call her [REDACTED].
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