Sunrise from Sunset Point, Marquette, MI

Sunrise No. 29 of 2,000+

  • Sunrise time: 8:17
  • Azimuth: 116°
  • Did the sun rise: Yes
  • Was the sun visible: Most definitely not


  • Felt like: -5 ºF
  • Air Temp: 4 ºF
  • Humidity: 70%
  • Wind: 5 mph
  • Wind gust: 10 mph


  • 17mm
  • f/4.5
  • 1/320 sec
  • 200


Sunset Point, Marquette, MI

3.4 mile commute

📍 46° 35' 34" N, -87° 22' 58" W

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Musings [80 words]

More thoughts on repeat. What good can come from starting every day outside? What good can come?

Where do the words go? The thoughts? Out there, in the cold, they exist. By the time I take my gloves up, start the car, unzip my jacket, and get settled in to write a few things down, they’re gone. Maybe that’s what clarity is, old stale thoughts leaving the system making room for new ones.

Until then.

Please see November 27, 2020.


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