Sunrise No. 37 of 2,000+
- Sunrise time: 8:06
- Azimuth: 112° ⇡
- Did the sun rise: Yes
- Was the sun visible: No
- Felt like: 5 ºF
- Air Temp: 14 ºF
- Humidity: 83%
- Wind: 6 mph ⇡
- Wind gust: 8 mph
- 27mm
- f/8.0
- 1/80 sec
- 500
Presque Isle, Marquette, MI
2.7 mile commute
📍 46° 34' 56" N, -87° 22' 48" W
Musings [149 words]
It cannot be overstated how much Lake Superior changes in a single day this time of year. Yesterday there were a few chunks of ice balls near the shore and open water as far as the eye can sees (that’s about 7 miles to the horizon when standing at the shore). And today, it was nothing but ice as far as the eye can see.
As I prepare for my TEDxNMU talk I have been thinking a lot about taking delight in nature, finding delight, seeking delight. My dear friend Stephanie likes to joke about how amused I am all the time. I think that’s something that I’ve always found in nature. About a year ago while walking up Hogback Mountain with a friend, I noticed this naturally formed wooden bracelet. She commented, “How on earth did you notice that?” It starts with taking delight in the smallest things.