Sunrise from Presque Isle, Marquette, MI

Sunrise No. 362 of 2,000+

  • Sunrise time: 8:33
  • Azimuth: 124°
  • Did the sun rise: Yes
  • Was the sun visible: Yes


  • Felt like: 17 ºF
  • Air Temp: 24 ºF
  • Humidity: 67%
  • Wind: 6 mph
  • Wind gust: 8 mph


  • 35mm
  • f/6.3
  • 1/50 sec
  • 640


Presque Isle, Marquette, MI

2.6 mile commute

📍 46° 34' 51" N, -87° 22' 51" W

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Musings [445 words]

Ah, the beginning of a new day.

More than any of my earlier trips around the soon, this year I have felt that each day has begun anew.

This morning was glorious. The perfect winter temperature, beautiful color in the sky, and the anticipating of seeing the sun breka the horizon. There are other gloriously beautiful sunrises where you actually never see the sun. That’s what makes today different than the 23rd.

There were several others out, I’d notice they’d take a photo with their phone, then their heads would be glued back down, presumably posting it to social media. I try to minimize the time that my camera is held up, the longer I’m looking through the viewfinder, the longer I have an object between me and the sunrise. Social media posts? Sure, I do that too, when I get back home.

Look up. The sun is rising.

There has been just one or two opportunities this month to watch the instant the sun breaks the horizon. It’s this magical little moment I can’t describe. The tiniest piercing light seems to appear suddenly. Slowly, as the atmosphere performs her magic, the sun stretches out into the shape of a pancake. As she rises you eventually get a half circle. Then a full circle. There are my favorite four moments when the sun is clearly visible.

  1. The instant she first shines (This is the moment you would see the green flash, which I have not this year)
  2. The moment she turns into a pancake
  3. The moment she is perfectly half visible
  4. The moment she’s fully visible, sitting on the horizon like a motionaless marble

A few minutes later, she’s much higher above the horizon than you’d expect.

Back to a new beginning…

Life is full of stress, obsticles, adversity, mystery, and there are never enough cookies. But waking up and chasing the sunrise as my first priority of every day, I feel the new day begin. I watch the glowing growing daylight. I feel the warmth on those clear days when the sun is visible and reaches your face.

Each day has been a fresh start. I’ve become less concerned with what does or doesn’t happen during the coure of the day, and it’s a reminder that tomorrow is another chance for whatever went awry today. On the other hand, if it’s been a really good day, it’s a reminder that there’s another choice to find that same joy and delight tomorrow.

Living each day to the fullest is an impossible feat, but starting each day by watching the sunrise is a damn good start to getting there.

I’m going to find you green flash.


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