Sunrise from Harlow Creek, Marquette, MI

Sunrise No. 354 of 2,000+

  • Sunrise time: 8:29
  • Azimuth: 124°
  • Did the sun rise: Yes
  • Was the sun visible: Nope


  • Felt like: 7 ºF
  • Air Temp: 21 ºF
  • Humidity: 85%
  • Wind: 15 mph
  • Wind gust: 17 mph


  • 22mm
  • f/22.0
  • 30 sec
  • 50


Harlow Creek, Marquette, MI

7.2 mile commute

📍 46° 38' 9" N, -87° 28' 18" W

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Musings [399 words]

Let’s make a website.

Beyond the road trips, the morning walks, the sunrises, the camera, and the journal entries, there is the website. This is as much a part of this project and story as anything else. The web has fascinated me since The Sailor Family first got dial-up access when I was thirteen. I’ve been making websites ever since.

Building this website in Go Hugo has been an incredible project. Exporting photos from Lightroom into Flickr, using the Flickr API to pull into my own database, then pull that data into a huge JSON file, loading the images via IMGIX, incorporationg data from the Dark Sky API, making it all searchable (just not on the site yet) through Algolia, putting all the images on a map through the Google Maps API, incorporating Snipcart to sell photos, and deploying through Netlify.

I’m damn proud of this site and the solutions I’ve come up with. Some things aren’t perfect, it’s close, especially as something that has been built while still executing the project. The site has evolved alongside the photos and thoughts behind the project.

365 days, 12 months, photo pricing, EXIF data, weather data, sunrise data, journal entries, map coordinates. It’s a puzzle in figuring out how to display all this data in a consumable way that is quick to load, quick to understand on all devices. I have long wanted to make a website where the only images loaded is the photography and content itself, stipped of stylized elements to let the content shine.

I’ve had as much joy building this website and solvings its challenges as the most gloriuos sunrises.

This was never going to be a project for social media. The context would be buried, I wouldn’t be able to display a map and all the data. More of this, I just want more of this. More projects to wrap a site around. From concept, to execution, to giving an idea a place to live where the entire world can find it, even though few ever will.

I wish it could be articulated what went into this website for the layperson. For my parents, for my friends.

Code on ’lil Sailor, code on.

It has also been the single largest distraction of this year. A major one when I should be working on other things right now, but making [REDACTED] text is so much more fun.


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