Sunrise No. 215 of 2,000+
- Sunrise time: 6:32
- Azimuth: 63° ⇡
- Did the sun rise: Yes
- Was the sun visible: Yes
- Felt like: 65 ºF
- Air Temp: 65 ºF
- Humidity: 91%
- Wind: 2 mph ⇡
- Wind gust: 5 mph
- 70mm
- f/13.0
- 1/6 sec
- 50
Presque Isle Breakwall, Marquette, MI
2.5 mile commute
📍 46° 34' 40" N, -87° 22' 46" W
Musings [92 words]
Is there a difference between having a clear mind and an empty mind? What is that difference? I would say this morning’s mind is empty. It’s likely part of a come down of the month that was, getting to this weekend and feeling like, “Whoa, I don’t know what to do” for a morning, nowhere to be.
I just looked at my hands, resting on the keyboard, and saw them as i’ve never seen them before. Perhaps they’re aging.
I’m still plagued by the idea of wanting to be a cool kid.
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