Sunrise from Presque Isle Breakwall, Marquette, MI

Sunrise No. 104 of 2,000+

  • Sunrise time: 7:04
  • Azimuth: 74°
  • Did the sun rise: Yes
  • Was the sun visible: Eventually


  • Felt like: 23 ºF
  • Air Temp: 27 ºF
  • Humidity: 80%
  • Wind: 3 mph
  • Wind gust: 3 mph


  • 26mm
  • f/7.1
  • 1/160 sec
  • 200


Presque Isle Breakwall, Marquette, MI

2.6 mile commute

📍 46° 34' 47" N, -87° 22' 51" W

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Musings [278 words]

There are two parts of consistently getting up at sunrise that I thought I’d be able to overcome, but I have not. That is having agnostic hours and especially days. Back in the career life you’re forced to live in this 40-hour M-F sort of life with these celebrated weekends of freedom (at least for the status quo). For most, the start of the work week on Monday becomes a day of dread while Friday is a day of excitement with the weekend ahead. I did have have some of that, but my lonely weekends is a topic for another day.

Now that I’m my own boss with lots of flexibility, yet a project that requires an intense amount of discipline, I thought that Mondays would become less like Mondays, Fridays less like Fridays, and Saturdays less like Saturdays. It was a hope that many of the days would start to feel the same. The reason being is I’m incredibly productive on Mondays and its just downhill from there. I dread the lonely weekends and look forward to Mondays (weird, I know). Additionally, I thought I could learn to be productive in the morning, and sometimes I am. But the trend remains the same, my productivity continues to ramp up during the day no matter what time I get up or go to bed.

Maybe 115 days just isn’t long enough, but I wish I could even the scales. The hope is that if I need to accomplish something at a certain hour or a certain day I can just sit down and do it, rather than struggling and grinding through until Monday comes around again.

One day.